2020-04-07 · Template:AlgaeBase taxon (Q6675748), Template:AlgaeBase species (Q6675743), Template:AlgaeBase genus (Q6675737) Template parameter name in en:template:AlgaeBase species


Sargassum adalah genus makroalga planktonik pada ordo Fucales. Spesies ini dinamai dari Laut Sargasso di Samudra Atlantik, yang memiliki kandungan spesies Sargassum yang besar. Spesies genus ini dapat memanjang hingga beberapa meter. Pranala luar

Loncat ke navigasi Loncat ke pencarian. Dokumentasi templat. Penyunting dapat melakukan uji coba pada halaman Spirulina, which is a genus of cyanobacteria that is also considered to be a filamentous blue-green algae, is cultivated around the world and used as a human dietary supplement, as well as a whole food. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries (Figure 1.1). 2019-12-26 · AlgaeBase URL: https://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id=33 USDA PLANTS ID: ULVA New Zealand Organisms Register ID: 655279c3-f85c-42d8-8eb2-ec3782f5dbf0 EPPO Code: 1ULVG FloraBase ID: 26427 iNaturalist taxon ID: 54644 NBN System Key: NHMSYS0000568382 uBio ID: 433492 AlgaeBase and Irish Seaweed Research Group, Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Author for correspondence: e‐mail michael.guiry@algaebase.org.Search for more papers by this author URL - www.algaebase.org * The Hawaiian Algal Database - It is a digital repository for Hawaiian algal samples. Users can make use of the online search tool to view and download specimen photographs and micrographs, DNA sequences and relevant habitat data, including geo-referenced collection locations.

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Select one or more criteria from the options below. Genus: Diatoms Only Soft Algae Only 2007-07-27 2014-06-01 The id parameter should be the number at the end of the url, often a 4 or 5 digit number. (e.g. http://www.algaebase.org/generadetail.lasso?genus_id=43497 - the highlighted number, 43497, would be put into the id field if you wanted to include a link to the AlgaeBase page on … Algaebase.org сайт е намерено в резултатите от търсенето 46 пъти.

spp_list_algaebase: Wrapper for applying algae_search function to a data.frame that contains phytoplankton species Description. Wrapper for applying algae_search function to a data.frame that contains phytoplankton species. Usage spp_list_algaebase(phyto.df, phyto.name = 1, lakename = "", long = FALSE, write = FALSE) Arguments

Citing AlgaeBase. Please cite this record as: M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D.  Linking to this page: http://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id= 27. Citing AlgaeBase. Please cite this record as: M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry   Verified by: 09 October 2020 by M.D. Guiry.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data.

Algaebase org search genus

AlgaeBase - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search. This is a documentation subpage for Template:AlgaeBase taxon. Template:AlgaeBase genus; Template:AlgaeBase species This page was last changed on 14 February 2020, at 13:44.

Algaebase org search genus

Släkt Pseudo-nitzschia. referenser. externa länkar. Algaebase  Value. A data.frame with the following fields: orig.name (submitted name), match.name (best match), genus and species (from the match.name), exact.match (1 indicates whether there was a perfect match for orig.name. 0 otherwise), accepted (1 if the orig.name currently accepted, 0 otherwise), synonyms (currently accepted synonyms, if any. AlgaeBase is a comprehensive taxonomic database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.
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Wikispecies has an entry on: Spirulina Turpin. Included species (for AlgaeBASE , 13 June 2012): Esta documentación está transcluída desde Modelo:AlgaeBase species/uso.Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Modelo:AlgaeBase species/probas. Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. AlgaeBase is a global algal database of taxonomic, nomenclatural and distributional information.

AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway (taxonomic information republished from AlgaeBase with permission of M.D. Guiry).
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Genus, 22, 20, 20. Collective taxon, 1, 1 Listan följer Algaebase (http://www.algaebase.org) och har bearbetats av Bengt Karlson (SMHI). Used in. Guiry, G.M. 

{ {AlgaeBase taxon|name=Taxon name|id=#####}} The name parameter should include the taxon name. The id parameter should be the number at the end of the url, often a 4 or 5 digit number. (e.g. http://www.algaebase.org/browse/taxonomy/detail/?taxonid= 4541 - the highlighted number, 4541, would be put into the id field if you wanted to include AlgaeBase is a global species database of information on all groups of algae, as well as one group of flowering plants, the sea-grasses.

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Information on the algae of the world, including terrestrial, marine, and freshwater forms. Search by genus, species, or common name. Includes images and

Closterium eboracense (Ehrbg.) Turner. Closterium incurvum Bréb. Closterium littorale Gay. Closterium malinvernianiforme Gronbl. Closterium moniliferum (Bory) Ehrbg. Closterium navicula (Breb) Luetkem.