1 SEK = 0.09 GBP at the rate on 2021-04-10. The page provides data about today's value of one krona in British Pounds. The interactive form of the currency calculator ensures navigation in the actual quotations of world currencies according to “Open Exchange Rates” and displays the information in a graph.


Valutapar, Kurs, % förändr, Högst, Lägst. EURSEK, 10,2144, -0,02, 10,2173, 10,2058. USDSEK, 8,5827, 0,04, 8,5862, 8,5669. GBPSEK, 11,7879, 0,00, 11,7931 

EUR/SEK Spot, 10,22, -0,01, -0,12, 2021-03-30 03:29. GBP/SEK Spot, 12,01, 0,00, 0,02, 2021-03-30 03:29. The latest on pound to Swedish krona exchange rates. One British pound is currently worth 11.848 SEK. To see the latest exchange rate and compare historic  Current exchange rate BRITISH POUND (GBP) to SWEDISH KRONA (SEK) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart.

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On April 09, 2021 the Official GBP to SEK Exchange Rate: Close: 1 GBP = 11.703 SEK. Best: 1 GBP = 11.766 SEK. Worst: 1 GBP = 11.697 SEK. Today's Live British Pound to Swedish Krona Spot Rate: 1,248 GBP/SEK - 1,248 Pound to Swedish krona. As of 16 April 2021, the current exchange rate of 1248 Pound is equal to 14,455.42 Swedish krona. This is a decrease of -7.295383% (or -1,137.57 SEK) compared with the same time last year (16 April 2020), when 1248 Pound equaled 15,592.99 Swedish krona. 1 SEK to GBP 1 SEK = 0.09 GBP at the rate on 2021-04-10.

Underliggande, Startkurs, Aktuell kurs, Utveckling, Vikt, Bidrag. GBP-SEK X-RATE, 10,17, 11,71, 15,2 %, 50,0 %, 3,9 %. USD-SEK, 6,38, 6,84, 7,2 %, 50,0 %, 1,4 

GBP to SEK Exchange Rate - Bloomberg Markets. DJIA.


Gbp sek rate

Schweizisk franc. CHF. -0.70%. 916.13. Prisutveckling. Datum, Kurs. Svenska krona. SEK. 0.00%.

Gbp sek rate

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GBP/SEK. 11.6441. Hämta gratis tillgång till GBP SEK diagram, livepriser och citat. Brittiskt pund till Svenska kronan diagrammet tillåter att spåra Brittiskt pund för Svenska kronan  Convert British Pound to Swedish Krona with flexible currency converter, also check British Pound to Swedish Krona exchange rate which is changing every  Valutapar, Kurs, % förändr, Högst, Lägst.

Här visas dagens uppdaterade valutakurs för GBP mot SEK. Testa gärna också vår valutaomvandlare. Kursen hämtas  97.50 Pund (GBP) in Kronor (SEK). Valute uppdateras varje minut. SEK och GBP in ocksåandra valutor idag.
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Result of conversion 25 Pound Sterling to Swedish Krona. Convert 25 GBP to SEK to get actual value of this pair of currencies. We use international GBP/SEK exchange rate, and last update was today. Online converter show how much is 25 Pound Sterling in Swedish Krona.

Update 16:45 BST 20/08/2020: After sliding last night, the Pound Sterling to Swedish Krona (GBP/SEK) exchange rate jumped again this afternoon. GBP/SEK touched on an interbank high of 11.49 this afternoon. This was the best GBP/SEK level since the beginning of August. Year 2015 British pound/Swedish krona (GBP/SEK) rates history, splited by months, charts for the whole year and every month, exchange rates for any day of the year.

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Konvertera 1 000 GBP till SEK med Wise valutaomvandlare. Analysera historiska valutatabeller eller livekurser för Brittiskt pund/Brittiskt pund och få kostnadsfria kursaviseringar direkt i din e-post.

Analyze historical currency charts or live British Pound Sterling / British Pound Sterling rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email. GBP to SEK exchange rate is published here and is very accurate, updating 24/7 with live exchange rates. Conversion of 1 gbp to sek displayed in three ways: 1 gbp to sek exchange rate, gbp to sek converter and gbp to sek live and history chart.